Survey Praises Lake Serene Clinic


Survey Praises Lake Serene Clinic

Puget Sound Health Alliance recently released the results of it’s 2011-2012 Patient Experience with Primary Care Providers in the Puget Sound Region. This survey was mailed to approximately 90,000 people in the Puget Sound area and asked patients to rate the experience they had with their provider and the provider’s office in the last 12 months. Needless to say, our Lake Serene Clinic was more than mentioned.

Questions included whether or not patients could get timely appointments, care and information; how well providers communicated with patients; how helpful, courteous and respectful office staff were; and then how the patient rated their provider.

WWMG is pleased to report that Lake Serene Clinic received a highest score in patients’ rating of their providers in Puget Sound. The average score for providers was 75.4% but at Lake Serene Clinic, the providers received a 87.2% score for “how well providers communicate with patients”. In a time when providers have less and less time for patients and patients become more frustrated with the health care system, it’s great news to know that Lake Serene Clinic receives high marks for overall rating of the provider!