Stress and Your Body


Stress and Your Body

Navigating stressful situations is a fact of life for everyone. However, the more you know about what causes stress, how it affects your body and what it can do to you physically and emotionally long-term, the better equipped you’ll be to handle it.

In this post, we’ll discuss what happens to your body when you get stressed, common triggers, the long-term effects of chronic stress, and things you can do to reduce the stress in your life. We’ll also note where to get medical assistance if your stress levels become too overwhelming.

Common Triggers of Stress

We all know the feeling of our chest tightening or our head beginning to pound when circumstances beyond our control bring stress into our everyday world. It may be something trivial like a traffic jam or something more serious like a job loss. Sometimes, it’s such a part of the fabric of our lives, we don’t even realize it’s getting to us. Here are some common triggers of stress that may impact your well-being:

  • Financial worries
  • Relationship issues with loved ones
  • Challenges at work
  • Illness in the family
  • Natural disasters
  • Survival of an accident
  • Injury or ongoing physical issues
  • Demands of childcare
  • A crime that’s victimized you
  • Alcohol or drug addiction
  • Loneliness or isolation
  • Military deployment or PTSD from service
  • Negative interactions on social media

That list isn’t comprehensive, but any or all of the above can cause significant issues to both your mental and physical state.

How Your Body Responds to Stress

When you experience stress, your body releases hormones that activate your nervous system. This may result in symptoms such as irritability, exhaustion, anxiety, insomnia, stomach aches, skin conditions (such as acne), panic attacks, hyperventilation, hives and more. One of the most common issues experienced from stress is a “tension headache,” which results from tense muscles in the face, head and neck. This can cause pressure around the forehead, scalp tenderness and mild to moderate pain.

Most of these symptoms are short-lived, but if the root cause of the stress is prolonged and continues to disrupt your peace, you may encounter more serious long-term effects of stress on your body.

Long-term Impact and Effects of Stress on the Body

Being stressed out for long periods of time as you work through trauma or endure a particularly challenging time in your life can result in much more severe issues than an occasional headache. Extended bouts of stress (also called chronic stress) can cause any or all of the following:

Although these issues are treatable, taking steps to prevent them from occurring can benefit your mental and physical health in the long term. With proper stress management, the likelihood of developing these long-term symptoms can be greatly reduced.

How to Reduce Stress

There are several ways that you can mitigate stress through lifestyle changes. Among the most effective are:

Good nutrition. Fuel your system with healthy foods rich in vitamins and avoid eating processed foods high in sugar. Your physical body will be stronger and therefore less susceptible to many stress-induced ailments.

Limit alcohol consumption. Though drinking beverages like red wine in moderation may have health benefits, the important part is to enjoy a minimal amount. Anything in excess can compound stress instead of reducing it.

Regular exercise. Maintain a routine amount of physical activity several times per week to boost your endorphins and strengthen your immune system.

Social connections. Give support to those you care about and be open to receive their support when you need it most. Emotional bonds can act as vital mental safety nets during times of trouble.

Get sufficient sleep. If possible, sleep 7 – 8 hours each night to give your body time to regenerate and recharge for the day ahead.

Practice mindfulness. Whether you pray, meditate, do breath work or create art, do something spiritually that brings you to a calm and peaceful state.

Consult with a Medical Professional

If you need help learning how to reduce stress, and guidance on lifestyle changes you can make, WWMG’s primary care providers are here to help. We offer in-person and telehealth appointments for physical and mental health concerns.

If needed, our providers can provide a referral to a psychologist for additional support. Request an appointment with WWMG primary care today. We look forward to supporting you.